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2024-03-09 09:31:59

Good questions on AI from Verity Harding: 'We should be thinking: ‘What do we want and how do we use technology?’, not ‘What technology is coming that we just have to put up with’ ... Why aren’t we harnessing the incredible power of AI to help solve the climate crisis? Why do we act as if humanity is helpless to control something it’s actively inventing?'

The role of the conservative elite in the Nazi rise to power
The conservative elite were the old ruling class and new business class in Weimar Germany.
Throughout the 1920s they became increasingly frustrated with the Weimar Republic’s continuing economic and political instability, their lack of real power and the rise of communism.
They believed that a return to authoritarian rule was the only stable future for Germany which would protect their power and money.
2024-03-31 23:44:08

Throwing some things out here that might be naive. Oh well. Why don't some democratically minded billionaires fight rightwing billionaires? Is it because billionaires by their very nature are all anti-democratic? I heard of one once that wasn't, but one hardly stands a chance against many with the same economic power among them. Why though would many others cede power and money to one, two, or a few? A coalition could quickly end preeminant power of a billionaire. They should.
2024-05-01 17:55:53

💡 Light-Emitting Diodes for Energy Harvesting
#led #electronics
2024-02-18 15:24:49

Mark Rutte on why EU's collective economic power is superior to Russia:
2024-05-07 07:00:48

Prediction of Space Weather Events through Analysis of Active Region Magnetograms using Convolutional Neural Network
Shlesh Sakpal
2024-03-31 23:44:08

Throwing some things out here that might be naive. Oh well. Why don't some democratically minded billionaires fight rightwing billionaires? Is it because billionaires by their very nature are all anti-democratic? I heard of one once that wasn't, but one hardly stands a chance against many with the same economic power among them. Why though would many others cede power and money to one, two, or a few? A coalition could quickly end preeminant power of a billionaire. They should.
2024-03-27 19:00:06

There was a period during the industrialization where people fought against the machines — as there was no underlying theory or class consciousness answering why their working conditions were so abhorrent, people thought the problem was the machine, not capitalists who built them.
You may laugh at that, but just remember how many people think getting “replaced by an AI” is a real threat caused by technological development, not our economic system and the people that power it.
2024-05-01 17:55:53

💡 Light-Emitting Diodes for Energy Harvesting
#led #electronics

When Economics and Great-Power Foreign Policy Collide
Dale C. Copeland’s new history of commerce, "A World Safe for Commerce: American Foreign Policy From the Revolution to the Rise of China"
In a democracy, competing voices theoretically act as a counterweight to any one economic interest, But in an oligarchy, they might not.
For many liberal democracies, the bargain between governments and people means that what is most prioritized is not specifically trade, but …
2024-03-22 06:54:31

A Benchmark for the Application of Distributed Control Techniques to the Electricity Network of the European Economic Area
A. Riccardi, L. Laurenti, B. De Schutter
2024-02-14 21:03:30

I'm extremely proud of the achievements of my @… colleagues in the China team. By 2025, all #EV charging tariffs in 🇨🇳 China will be time-varying and EV users will benefit from further rewards, aligning user & grid benefits …

China set to unlock EV smart charging potential through rate reforms

In January, China launched a policy directive to quicken EV integration into the power grid. Its leading economic planning body issued key steps to achieving smart EV charging by refining current time-of-use (ToU) rates. By 2025, all EV charging rates in China will be subject to ToU pricing. Further initiatives will incentivize consumer charging habits that better align with grid needs—ultimately unlocking the beneficial flex…
2024-02-20 06:51:30

Surpassing legacy approaches and human intelligence with hybrid single- and multi-objective Reinforcement Learning-based optimization and interpretable AI to enable the economic operation of the US nuclear fleet
Paul Seurin, Koroush Shirvan
2024-03-15 07:30:57

Locational Scenario-based Pricing in a Bilateral Distribution Energy Market under Uncertainty
Hien Thanh Doan, Minsoo Kim, Keunju Song, Hongseok Kim
2024-02-27 08:25:00

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2024-04-26 07:26:16

Renewable Technologies: Advantages, Disadvantages and Strategic Policies
Hamid Zakernezhad, Ali Soleimani, Milad Mohabbati
2024-04-12 11:29:18

⚛️ Russia Leverages Its Nuclear Expertise in Africa
2024-03-25 08:37:13

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2024-02-13 12:58:02

Fukushima Nuclear Wastewater Discharge: An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach to International and Domestic Interaction and Strategic Decision-Making
Mingyang Li, Han Pengsihua, Songqing Zhao, Zejun Wang, Limin Yang, Weian Liu
2024-04-19 08:34:16

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2024-04-19 08:34:16

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2024-04-17 06:54:26

A Game-Theoretic Approach for PMU Deployment Against False Data Injection Attacks
Sajjad Maleki, Subhash Lakshminarayana, E. Veronica Belmega, Carsten Maple
2024-02-15 06:54:21

Uncertainty-Aware Transient Stability-Constrained Preventive Redispatch: A Distributional Reinforcement Learning Approach
Zhengcheng Wang, Fei Teng, Yanzhen Zhou, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun